Thursday, April 23, 2009

Be-Attitudes for the Recovering Person

  1. Blessed are the addicted persons who are Powerless, for they shall No Longer Support Their Habit.

  2. Blessed are they who have Come To Believe, for they have Hope.

  3. Blessed are they who Made a Decision, for they shall Find Recovery.

  4. Blessed are they who Search within themselves, for they shall Taste Freedom.

  5. Blessed are they who Admit their Wrongs, for they shall have the Miracle of Forgiveness.

  6. Blessed are they who Ask God to Remove Their Defects, for they shall have Humility.

  7. Blessed are they whose Shortcomings Have Been Removed, for they shall have New Life.

  8. Blessed are they who Made a List of those they have harmed, for they shall have planted the Seeds of Change.

  9. Blessed are they who will Make Amends whenever possible, for they shall Regain Their Integrity.

  10. Blessed are they who Continue to Take Inventory and admit when they are wrong, for they shall Continue to Grow.

  11. Blessed are they who Pray and Meditate, praying only for knowledge of God’s Will and the Power to carry it out, for they shall find Direction.

  12. Blessed are they who Carry the Message of Rebirth, for they shall have Sobriety.

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